Call Out for Mathew James Scavelli

Mathew Scavelli
Matthew Scavelli, son of Michael Scavelli, passed away June 29, 2017. Both Mathew and Michael were 4th  Degree members of Council # 5737, & Assembly # 3195.
16 Members of the Color Corps were present for the Viewing, Friday July 7th, at Lopez Hall and for the Funeral Mass, July 8th, at Sacred Heart Church.
Call Out Mathew Scavelli Funeral 7-8-17

One thought on “Call Out for Mathew James Scavelli

  1. The Scavelli Family will need our prayers for deep healing. The presence of the Knights of Columbus was very helpful in initiating this healing. I’m very proud of you Sir Knights. May Our Good Lord make full use of our good will to the Scavelli Family. Amen.
    Vivat Jesus.

    Wayne Ries
    Faithful Navigator


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